Monday 21 January 2013

diets are boring

this we've been told was one of the several grand meals my darling brother made for his family over the holidays and we are truly impressed. i seem to remember a time when dear conny found boiling an egg a challenge, but then that must be some time ago, right? we had a bit of a grin on our faces though when we heard that at least one fancy duck-with-all-the-trimmings-meal was replaced by bangers and mash as the duck was still sitting in the freezer when conny started cooking. but - hey - it couldn't have happened to a nicer guy. 

this also reminds me of my own egg sceleton in the closet. in the good old days of parties and fun we would frequently come home in the wee hours and beg/bag through the window some fresh broetchen from the bakery around the corner where the shift started at 4am, and have a boiled egg to go with them. or so. "i found several little bricks of coal in a pot this morning" my flatmate merten would tell me. "couldn't really figure out what you meant to do with them, but i took the pot off the heat, just in case." oh, the eggs. yes, thanks, merten. thank you...

and, just to close this story on a positive note, to let you know that christine and i were some of the first guests to try out one of the new restaurants across the street from my college, cucina assellina, and we actually had a great time in a place that seems a little flashy for my taste, but does good food, and - ahem - great wine. never mind the coal.... 

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